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Workplace hazard identification and remedies

Workplace hazard identification and remedies

Working Together 2

How to identify and address hazards in the workplace

Workplace hazards are any conditions or situations that could potentially cause harm to workers. They can be physical, chemical, biological, or ergonomic in nature. Hazards can lead to injuries, illnesses, and even death.

It is important to identify and address hazards in the workplace to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  1. Conduct regular workplace inspections. This is the most effective way to identify hazards. During an inspection, look for anything that could potentially cause harm to workers, such as:
    • Slips, trips, and falls hazards
    • Electrical hazards
    • Chemical hazards
    • Biological hazards
    • Ergonomic hazards
  2. Review incident and accident reports. Incident and accident reports can provide valuable information about hazards that have already caused harm to workers. By reviewing these reports, you can identify potential hazards that may not be immediately obvious during a workplace inspection.
  3. Conduct a job hazard analysis. A job hazard analysis is a systematic way of identifying and evaluating hazards associated with specific jobs or tasks. This can be done by interviewing workers, observing work practices, and reviewing job descriptions.
  4. Involve workers in hazard identification and assessment. Workers are often the best source of information about hazards in the workplace. By involving them in the hazard identification and assessment process, you can get their input and ensure that all hazards are identified.
  5. Take corrective action to address hazards. Once hazards have been identified, you must take corrective action to address them. This may involve providing training, installing safety equipment, or changing work practices.

Additional tips on addressing workplace hazards

In addition to the tips above, there are a few other things you can do to address workplace hazards as an employer and employee.


  • Develop and implement a safety policy and procedures. This should include clear expectations for worker safety, as well as procedures for reporting and investigating hazards.
  • Provide training to all employees on safety procedures and hazard awareness.
  • Ensure that all equipment is properly maintained and inspected.
  • Create a culture of safety in your workplace. This means promoting a positive attitude towards safety and encouraging employees to speak up about potential hazards.


  • Pay attention to potential hazards and take steps to avoid them.
  • If your employer provides you with safety equipment, such as hard hats, gloves, or safety glasses, be sure to use it.
  • Your employer should have established safety procedures for all tasks performed in the workplace. Be sure to follow these procedures at all times.
  • If you see a hazard, report it to your supervisor immediately.

By taking these steps, you can help in creating a safe and healthy workplace.